Friday, February 08, 2008


Fiction Friday 1 - "Home Front"

Fiction Friday Begins

  When is a story, not a story?  Turns out that several of the first
stories I sent out were "slice of life" stories or vignettes. Not stories
full of action and conflict, which is what many editors want. I've
promised stories for 03.03.2008, so instead of jumping the gun, I thought
I'd share with you "Home Front". It's a series of vignettes spanning
The War which shows up in a lot of my 29th century SF. This isn't the
original version of "Home Front" -- I've been mining it for stories,
taking out some of the vignettes and turning them into short stories
of their own for a couple of years now. (grin)

If you like, "Home Front" was necessary for me to write -- it puts
book ends or parentheses around the timeline of The War. It also allowed
me to investigate what was happening away from the battles... i.e., back
at the Home Front.

Read the First Installment of "Home Front" by Dr. Philip Edward Kaldon
Hi Phil,

Thanks for sharing your story.

I wonder if you'll share all of "Homefront" with everyone on the site or if you'll tease us and leave us wanting more as you shop it with likely publishers who'd be fools to pass on it?

Hey, Boris!

All of the current Home Front will be posted. At the end I'll probably comment and share the pieces which have gone out on their own. (grin)

Dr. Phil
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